Originally Posted by almater1
Actually I am running 70% WMO with 30% DIESEL- .
A few simple things to understand.
1. I do not know of anybody running M70 that doesn't use RUG!
2. I do not know of anybody who has ever successfully ran M70+ in anything other than a ford 7.3 with a tune
So I strongly recommend you read this
How to turn plastic waste into diesel fuel cheaply
and every thread here
BioDiesel & Alternative Fuels
and this
drmiller100's simple W85 thread - PowerStrokeNation : Ford Powerstroke Diesel Forum
So in your case you should be able to get away with a 50/50 mix, preferably with RUG included.
You SHOULD include
Two tanks and in an ideal world heat one.
You should always start on clean normal diesel and shut off on clean normal diesel.
DO these things and you may well be able to burn WMO but above 50% in a mechanical diesel will likely not happen without constant injector cleaning.
You also need to make sure that all water is removed, RUG generally is required during your processing of the WMO to make this happen.
The plastic to gas device allows you to make a diesel blend for roughly $0.35 a gallon, that fuel will work just fine at 100% or may work mixed with WMO ala carte to reduce your mixing cost.