Originally Posted by Shortie771
Not a problem, life gets busy at times. Take all the time you need, thanks for the effort and work you have already put forward
As for the kammback, I will take the advice and edit the kammback when I get some free time. Hopefully that will help. Even if the Cd isn't correct, at least I have a baseline of what the program says my car is and I can judge off of that to decrease it. Even if its off, hopefully I can get a decent idea of the kammback design I will go with eventually. Was looking to jedi sol to make his kammback first, but that didn't happen so I guess I will have to do it 
I have some video of a Porsche 914 crossing El Mirage Dry Lake at speed.
The entire area behind the backlight is nothing but turbulence.The Del Sol has some sail panel that the Porsche doesn't have,but I suspect that adding some 'roof' back there would show at the pump.
The 1967 Lotus Europa has the same kind of 'back' but it's long enough for good reattachment and scores Cd 0.29 with its 'open-air' rear.
Take a peek at what Smart did with their Roadster Coupe' all-glass Kamm back.