Worst commute for this tank, if only I could plug the car at St-Jérôme...
Also my last day as a minor, tomorrow is my 18 birthday
Update : Colder morning (-9°C) with some snow and wind. c°WT showed 36°C before starting. EBH plugged for 3 hours 35 minutes. SG said 6.6 LHK.
On the returning trip, temp was around -6°C and c°WT showed ?? forgot to check. There was a lot of traffic. SG said 6.6 LHK. Hit 639.8 km today and FL% shows 22%.
AVG of the day : 6.6 LHK (35.6 MPG US).
AVG of the week : 6.18 LHK (38.0 MPG US).