Short answer - yes I know what has to be done. Almost as short answer - it's not worth doing for a cheap car. The only way it would be even remotely cost effective would be if a person lived within driving distance of the border, and picked a car up up here themselves and did the importation themselves. And even then it would depend on which state they lived in, as they are all different as to what you can bring in and how you need to register it. Once you get into shipping vehicles across the border without doing it yourself, you need to get a Registered Importer involved. I won't get into what that entails exactly, but they generally charge around $400. Add that onto your shipping costs, taxes, etc and your $500 cheap car just got a lot closer to $2000. The costs are sort of fixed, as in it costs the same to import and ship a $40000 used Escalade as it does for a $500 Sprint, so it might be worth the money you'd save on the big ticket vehicle by buying it up here, but totally not worth it on the seemingly cheap car.