Update : Cold morning (-6°C) with some wind and lot of snow. c°WT showed 38°C before starting. EBH plugged for 3 hours 40 minutes. SG said 6.7 LHK.
On the returning trip, temp was around -3°C and c°WT showed 9°C before starting. There was little traffic. SG said 6.0 LHK. Hit 777 km at the gas station, filled up 49.411 liters with traditional fillup method (slowest fill rate, stop after 2nd click). This gives 6.35 LHK (37 MPG US), my best and last tank! I have also recalibrated my ScanGauge.
. Arriving home, SG said 6.2 LHK. Hit 3.1 km and FL% shows 97%.
AVG of the day 6.4 LHK (36.7 MPG US).