We have some Unisolor panels, they were they only solar panels that I've ever seen fail, they also had the shortest warranty I've seen on solar.
The power output is under standard test conditions, you can look it up, but you can also look up "Sun Hours" and that is more or less the amount of sun per day on average that you will get to give you a rated output, where I live we average around 4 sun hours per day for a year round average, so if I have a 100 watt panel I should average around 400 watt hours per day from it, this is assuming that IT IS POINTING AT THE SUN, the sun is not straight up, where I am it is at a 45 degree angle right now (spring) and will rise to be at a 60 degree angle at the peek of summer and get down to 30 degrees on the first day of winter, unless I lived on the equator it will never be at 90 degrees (straight up) so having a solar panel flat will both reduce the effective collection area and will increase the reflective qualities of the glass or plastic coating on the PV panel so at best you will get 3/4 of the output at mid day from a panel that is pointing straight up, but more likely is that the output will be reduced to 50% and even less in the winter.
Last edited by Ryland; 03-20-2013 at 11:14 PM..