Thread: K5 Blazer?
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Old 03-21-2013, 02:31 AM   #11 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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I'd also get a Diesel one, either the 6.2L or the 6.5L which is still being made, altough more targeted to military and marine applications. One simple mod I'd consider is to replace the engine-driven radiator fan with a thermostatically-controlled electric one, which is cheap and very effective since it allows the engine to warm-up quicker and takes less engine power to operate. Replacing some body panels such as doors, tailgate, hood, front fenders and fascia with lighter ones made out of fiberglass (eventually could consider a single-piece front clip since it wouldn't have gaps between the hood and fenders) is a good measure to consider too. Replacing the TH400/3L80 transmission with an overdrive 4L80-E could be also considered if you wouldn't mind an electronically-controlled transmission.

If you would go the gasser route, could take a look into some LS-series engine, even the 4.8L V8 would already provide some good performance, and then you could also take a look at the newer 6-speed transmissions...

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