Thread: K5 Blazer?
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Old 03-21-2013, 06:18 PM   #16 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Jimmy - '00 GMC Jimmy SLT
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The White Gnat - '99 Suzuki Swift
Team Suzuki
90 day: 51.87 mpg (US)
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I understand wanting a certain type of car that's not known for good gas mileage, but then wanting to get the best you can with it.

Are you willing to do "extreme hypermiling"? Maybe not "extreme" by the standards of this site, but to any "layman"?

The reason I ask is because what you describe, including the 2" lift, are very "UN-aero". To get around that, you'll have to go really slow, which means finding roads you won't be interfering with traffic on, etc. I don't see anywhere on here where you describe your route or anything. It makes a difference. For example, if it's 90% freeway where you'll be going 70 mph, you're pretty much screwed (for getting 20 mpg).

But if your "max mpg speed" is 40 mph, and you're willing to drive 40 mph, and take routes that allow that - and do engine-off coasting as much as possible, maybe run an engine block heater, etc, etc, then you might have a chance.

Were you going to get gnarly-looking fat tires along with the 2" lift? See, that would be hurting your effort, too - even if you pumped them way up, I would think.

But anyway, I'd love to see you post some great results. Even if it's only going from 14 or 15 mpg (which is probably about the best that could be expected outta a rig like that) to - I dunno - 18? But 20 - yeah, I'd like to see you succeed, but I have a hunch you'll have your work cut out for you to do that. - good luck!!
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