No way to replace it if she(you) think the car's good for 12+ months after replacing the tranny for less money. $150 per month is pretty cheap car, if she makes it to 15 month, that's 100$ month, 3 dollars per day. I'd say replace it (trannY), a 99 isn't that old, 27 mpg isn't that bad if she's not doing 150 miles per day. Get her thinking about a 40 mpg replacment like a Cobalt, and finish teaching her how to drive a manual so she has the ability to choose what tranny she wants.
I have a 250,000 malibu, 262,000 stratus, neither worth $500 to anyone else if I'm lucky, but I couldn't replace them for with as trustworthy cars for $2500. Dang $1200 Altima isn't paying off quite so well until I can get it's fuel consumption figured out.