I find this thread really interesting in deed. Mr Vetter is spot on with the 20 horsepower theory along with the aerodynamics.
I myself am not a 2 wheel fan but if I was I would think this would be a descent idea and something to consider.
My project that I am currently building is a 3 wheeled reverse trike diesel electric hybrid. I utilize a 19hp 2 cylinder diesel with a 20kw peak BLDC motor in a parallel configuration. I use a simple low weight CVT transmission for the gearing. I am currently working out the aero at the moment and hopefully the goal is to get to .13 cd. This is what I have figured would give me the best results with the small displacement diesel and electric motor. It would also allow me to get the 38 miles the Chevy Volt gets if not more out of a 2.4kw battery pack vs 16kw battery pack driving at a 55mph pace LOL!
I went 3 wheels because it gave me the best chance to reduce weight which is super important as well as creating the best aerodynamics. The tear drop shape is well known and a 3 wheeled reverse trike lends itself quite nicely to this shape. It is also considered a motorcycle so am I aloud to enter it into the Vetter challenge just kidding on that :-) I like the enclosed shell of the trike for all year and all climate usage. I also like the added safety it can afford over conventional motorcycle platforms. Cargo can also be increased which is a plus over 2 wheeled motorcycle designs.
Anyways to get back on subject sorry for getting a little off task!
Mr. Vetter I am sorry to say but the reality is people want cheap. They want to spend as little as absolutely possible in order to achieve there desires and goals. Ecomodders are a frugal bunch by there very way of thinking. So when you pencil it out many will say it does not make sense. They will say $2,000 is to high which we have all ready seen. Two wheel aero is a tough sale but it could be worse you could be like me and trying to do a 3 wheeled aero option :-)))
My advice is do what makes you happy and do it the best you can. If people see all the true benefits of increased mileage and they will when gas in the US reaches Euro levels they will come around. Keep refining and keep promoting what you truly care about. When the time comes when you can make a living at your dream you will.
Patients is a virtue my friend
Take care,