One other thing to consider is the magnitude of the possible benefit ... in addition to the possible issue raised of more cycles per year generally means fewer years of useful battery life.
You can calculate the maximum possible benefit if you know the general system efficiency and the battery size ... just compare the energy contents.
For example ... a Gen-1 Honda Insight OEM Battery has at most ~6.5Ah , 144 V Nominal = 936 wh max from 100% to 0% DoD window ... that generation IMA system is around ~90% efficient ... so maximum possible would be ~842Wh of plug in energy to the wheel ... Although in practice it would be much lower than this , because you don't get the full 100% window , and peukert effects , etc ... in practice about ~470 wh to the wheel is more likely ... but even at the max upper end ideal ( a bit unrealistically optimistic case ) ... at roughly ~36 kwh of chemical energy per gallon and roughly 35% efficient ICE that ~842 Wh would only offset / replace at most about ~0.06 Gallons per such full 100% cycle charge... or from the ~470Wh more realistic case ~0.03 Gallons offset per such full cycle... it's something ... but is it enough to justify doing it... that's up to the individual.