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Old 03-24-2013, 04:26 PM   #109 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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It is ironic that the perception that a fairing is too expensive since the whole package of a new 250cc motorcycle and fairing kit is under $8000 USD. The overall cost of operation is 30% less than an economy car. Compared to buying an older Ninja 250 for $1500 the fairing seems pricey, The engine on the motorcycle is good for 100k miles and a car lasts 200k miles these days, even so the bike is cheaper to run. The bikes take up less space on the highway especially since most people don't car pool. I have had to take the same kind of resistance to bicycle fairings so I deliberately design for very low cost-$10 for materials per unit.
A Ridley Tri Magnum with a body based on the Morelli/Aptera shape would be my choice. The Kubota 722cc 3cyl has the right power and low vibration. An electric motor first and reverse gear with ultracapacitor regen is ideal for urban cycles.
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