Originally Posted by DifferentPointofView
you can't just get if with one of those, you can have the best powerplant in the world but if your driving the empire state building around your not gonna get 200mpg, hybrid I think is the least of our worries, because we can get by on a turbine or diesel. Tranny is third.
Since we're traveling at 65, Im gonna go with aero, followed by powerplant, then tranny, and if we're doing a hybrid, so be it.
Oh, and the link, you take that car, then aeromod it. BOOM, better mileage. or you could take that and the aptera and combine the aptera's aero with this one.
I see what your saying, combine the aptera with the powerplant in the link. Off topic a little bit, but I think the Aptera should be 2 wheels only with outriggers that come down at slow speed. How cool would that be.