Originally Posted by on2
YEAH I did it. 610.9 miles. The counter had 1 mile left when I was at the petrol station. The fill up was 15.958 gallons. 38 MPG average.
Looks like I'll be doing a road trip soon. I got an interview invite at Wingate University School of Pharmacy. 4 hours away. 512 mile roundtrip. This will be a good gauge of the total highway miles this car is capable of.
If I can do 38 MPG average 35% CITY/65% HIGHWAY attaining 611 mile on one tank of gas (16 gallons), then hopefully I can hit 700 miles on a tank of gas (16 gallons). This trip will be 5% CITY / 95% HIGHWAY. If I can hit this mark, then I will have a 43.75 MPG average on a tank of gas. This would be incredible!
There is no shame in running out of fuel. Today I was told by the trip I had 50 miles left, at 398 miles. At 480 some miles, when I filled up, I still had .7+ gallons left.
Just remember when you are pushing the tank, park on hills with your engine lower than your rear end. I made the mistake of parking at my parents house once with less than a gallon left- my engine was uphill- and it wouldn't start.