Originally Posted by Swordsman
Mustang grilles are actually a bit recessed. I have an aftermarket aluminum one that's ever further back, and it deletes the GT fog lights, so I have a large, mostly flat expanse to work with. Did you already mention what you used to weight the flaps? A thin aluminum bar on the backside of the center area might be enough to stiffen it up, and could serve as the weight (depending on how much weight you need).
Actually right now mine is not weighted other than a few support bars I have running through the coroplast, which didnt do much good (that is what I get for making this thing for free). I used metal coat hangers that I bent straight and ran them through the coroplast from side to side. One on the top, one on the bottom and then one near the middle (a bit closer to the rear) which is used as the hinge point.
I will go outside now to get some pictures.