Greetings, everyone.
My daughter is an automotive technician with an interest in ecomodding. Her trouble is that she has little time due to her work, pets and boyfriend.
Enter semi-retired Dad. I've a technical backgound and have always been a tinkerer, one way or another. I'm old enough that I used to be a shade tree mechanic before fuel injection, electronics, and ridiculously tightly packed, poorly accessible engine compartments came on the scene.
So.... I catch the bug from my daughter and start looking at a lot of stuff and reading a lot of forums.
Ecomodder seems an island of sanity, reason, and civility.
As a techie with an almost Aspergerian desire for measurement, I'd love to be able to do my own emissions measurements and logging, especially on-the-fly. To buy such a system I think is about $6K-- that's what a local school paid for theirs. Many of us semi-retired Dads don't have that kind of money in petty cash on a regular basis, so I thought that I would put together my own system (at least until Publisher's Clearinghouse shows up at my door with that big, big check).
Apparently DIY emissions analysis is a very rare topic, so rare that I can't find anything.
"Who will help me plant this wheat?" said the little red rooster.
I have seen it written on these pages that ecommodding is about the fun, not the money. I like that sentiment very much, and I would add to it my own great desire to keep learning and sharing what I learn.