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Old 06-19-2008, 02:36 PM   #17 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jesse.rizzo View Post
Just to further complicate things, the octane rating on the pump is the minimum octane for that grade. there is no rule about them selling a higher octane than stated. In states where ethanol must be blended in 5 or 10 percent with regular gasoline, the "regular" might be the same octane as the mid grade or premium.

Local tv station did a report on this about a year ago. They took samples of 87 89 and 91 octane from a number of local gas stations to a lab to be analized. They found all the samples tested between 90-92 octane with anywhere between 10-15% ethanol content. All the gasoline came from the same refinery and the only variation was the ammount of ethanol mixed in.
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