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Old 03-30-2013, 08:46 PM   #15 (permalink)
Learning Aeromodding
myrefugeisintheLord's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Spokane, WA.
Posts: 199

Metro - '93 Geo Metro 4 door hatchback
90 day: 35.26 mpg (US)
Thanks: 59
Thanked 45 Times in 32 Posts
Jethro, Ya, it would look good with Militia added. However, I'm well on my way to getting a Rural Mail Carrier position with the USPS, and RAVadoodle is my only vehicle that works for that position. That means all advertising will have to come off. And seeing how I CAN'T hypermile during work, HYPERMILING!, MPG, and probably stickers will have to come off.... Sad. That's kind of Why I was focusing more on the back for those pictures....

But seeing how this is a picture thread, here's a couple of my little CRX, while up on Steptoe Butte. He only has a kill switch so far.

Oh, ya! He's got an Ecomodder sticker too! VERY important!
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