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Old 03-31-2013, 01:34 AM   #8 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by AaronMartinSole View Post
I- I... I wish I understood. So... should I just keep driving as I am, light on the throttle, not activating the turbo? I go into 5th gear really soon too, like 30, even 25 miles an hour. The RPMs go really low, like 1500-2000 if I remember correctly. That's the goal, low RPMs, right? Maybe it isn't. I don't know. Slow doesn't necessarily mean efficient, right? I don't know what I'm doing. I can use the turbo to go to 40mph really fast and kick into 5th gear. Is that preferable to slow acceration?
By low RPMs I don't necessarily mean close-to-idling, which would lead to some turbo-lag, but going in the 2000 RPM range instead of some 3000 RPM for example. But using the turbo to go to 40 MPH faster and then kicking into 5th gear seems better than crawling to reach the same speed, so eventually when you hit the throttle it can be more effective, depending on the gear selected and other factors such as the traffic, pavement, etc.
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