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Old 03-31-2013, 03:40 PM   #10 (permalink)
gone-ot walking...
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Originally Posted by jamesqf View Post
But what, exactly, are the consequences to the consumer likely to be here? A few cents rise in the price of gas, which is already so cheap in this country that the vast majority of people have no problems with driving excessively large, inefficient vehicles that use far more gas than necessary. (And which cause innumerable problems, from congestion to exhaust fumes, that rebound on me.)

If that's what it takes to get rid of the rotten egg smell I get when climbing long grades in the summer, fine.
...the "hidden" answer is that the EPA mandate affects BOTH the gasoline refineries AND the automobile manufacturers...just like what has already happened with current diesels and the SCR-catalytists and DPF-fluids (urea, AdBlue, etc) crap being foisted onto diesel's NOT just a gasoline-side mandate as most people are assuming.

Last edited by gone-ot; 03-31-2013 at 03:48 PM..
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