I think of myself as a safe driver so I try to keep an eye around what is going on and driving slower helps me. I keep it between 45 and 55 depending on where I am. I have a commute where I am on a two lane road so holding up traffic is a bigger concern because people can't pass so i stick to the high end but for the spots that are posted 55 I keep it 45 to 50.
As for the tires the ones I had did do good and I only had two tanks where I was keeping track so my guess is they might have done better on mpg. That being said I didn't feel safe so I needed new ones and these seem to have helped but then again it could be the warm weather and the car not needing to defrost and defogger the windows.
I think I am going to work on grill blocks soon as we'll as removing some small areas of dead weight.
"The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age, gender, religion, economic status, or ethnic background, is that, deep down inside, we all believe that we are above-average drivers.”
― Dave Barry, Dave Barry Turns Fifty
Change your frame of mind. 
“driving at the speed limit--hideous thought.”
― Stephenie Meyer