Originally Posted by Blue07CivicEX
Alrighty, so I got the lower grill block on before my trip from Buffalo back to Albany, the pic is below (both sides look the same).
<Picture to come later I posted the wrong pic the first time and now I'm not home whoops>
Now, with those two mods, and with some drafting, about 2-3 miles of EOCing, lots of pulse and glide. I was able to to follow a double trailer UPS truck for about 50-60 miles and he waived to me when he turned off it was great. So..... *Drumroll* what kind of gas mileage did all this get me you ask? 46.66mpg almost 10mpg better then the steady state 65mph cruise control run (granted it was different directions, better data to follow next week when I go to buffalo again).
So, that's my results so far.
Wow, that's pretty impressive. I know I had to work every drafting chance to achieve over 40. Hm... maybe 50 mpg isn't unrealistic after all. I've been eyeing a temporary upper grille block - maybe it's worth it. ("it" being the hassle from the missus...
