Originally Posted by MetroMPG
(Hope you don't mind I moved your post to the Intro forum...)
Happy to have you here.
I take it you also live roughly on my part of the planet, from your snow & 2 weeks ago ice storm comments in the vortex generator thread.
And you're the second EM member that I know of with an affliction ... I mean affection for old Healeys. 
Sorry, it was "off topic" in the other thread but it seemed appropriate after I jumped into the discussion.
I live in Fairfield the county seat of Jefferson County in south east Iowa.
I drove the Sprite for about a year until my dad traded it in for a metalic lime green 302 cui Mustang convertable. I didn't mind the change as the Sprite had it's issues (cold weather starting for one) and since Dad used it for his daily 20 mi each way commute to work and back it saved wear and tear on him. But the Sprite surely cemented in me an appreciation for quick, low to the ground sports cars.
Originally Posted by SVOboy
Welcome to the site! Nice to have you around.

Thanks SVOboy. I had a high school class mate that played lacrosse for Darmouth in the late 60's named Robert "Bobby" Brannen. He had a real hammer of a corner shot when coming from behind the goal. I look forward to getting set up with a SuperMID.
Originally Posted by bestmapman
Another person not out partying tonight? LOL
Welcome, I am new here too.
Hi bestmapman. Since I started the TM technique in '73 late nights and drugs (alcohol or others take your pick) just seem to cloud the awareness. The wife and I still enjoy getting together with friends but the weather is pretty nasty here right now so curling up on the couch together for a movie seemed like a far better choice.