Originally Posted by Vekke
PC is not allowed in road use in Finland either and so is many other things in this project. Those are just laws that slow down the evolution and if you decide not to follow some of them you can find great new innovations, which can be legal after laws are rewritten. Somebody has to be first to do something.
That´s the way to go!

When breaking laws I think it´s important to spend some thoughts on who or what they are ment to protect. If the answer is "yourself" I see no harm in challenge them. Removing front discs and calippers to save weight (since you rarely use them) would be a lot more stupid than removing all windows or replacing them with a weaker material.
15 years ago and more, when I made my most crazy things with cars, the "Swedish car approval institute" (Svensk Bilprovning) would often reject an old car with some rust holes in the sills or wheel arches but nowadays they have adapted to the fact that it takes quite large holes before a car starts falling appart. 15 years ago the car would also be rejected if your wheels were widened (actually track width) more than just 20mm or so. Now they don´t care as long as the tires are covered by the fenders. Perhaps things are going the right way sometimes for us who likes to modify our vehicles...