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Old 04-08-2013, 12:36 AM   #10 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: vancouver island
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finished this job recently. thanks for the 'which way does the seal face' answer, i will never forget that now. i wanted to mention that the seal does in fact bottom out in the housing, or just about.

after getting everything back together, back in the car, and also replacing the clutch disc, pressure plate, t/o bearing, input shaft bearing, machining the flywheel, replacing the axle shaft seals, front brake pads and rotors, and leaky rad, all is running really well.

rusty, i didn't want to bother with the other bearings because at a minimum of $30 each, the cost adds up quick, and i've never had any other trans bearings fail. this was actually the first bad trans bearing i've come across so i figure the other ones will likely last the rest of the cars life. but if i'm wrong and have to do the whole damn thing over again sometime soon, i'll owe you a cold one.

off-topic but holy ****, those brake rotor retaining screws were a nightmare to get out. only got one of the four out in reusable shape. had to punch a divot in the outer edge of the screw face, and then bash a small punch into the divot in a counter clockwise direction. two didn't even come out, i just sheared the screw heads off so i had to drill the shafts out and tap new threads into the hub. couldn't believe how difficult a simple brake job wound up being. you better believe i put some anti-sieze on the new retaining screws.
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