The engine load is an exponential function of rpm, but I don't know that the increase in the oil layer also offers exponential cushioning. There is a graph there somewhere which would answer your concern for landspeeds bearings, but I don't know if it is a valid concern without seeing it.
re: accumulator, I was just thinking upside down 2-liter and a solenoid tapped into the oil pump with a restriction and check valve to fill it
Again the term lugged has surfaced, from a murrican referring to an english document. What do you suppose the article meant by "lugged"? I don't think landspeed mentioned anything about 180RPM
Oh, and reality check, last I checked a set of bearings are like $20. Us murricans need to be more self sufficient anywho.
And "the engine might not even be making that much torque at low RPM" part means just that. Here's a picture, it is a pretty steep climb until 3000RPM for this engine: