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Old 04-15-2013, 07:20 PM   #11 (permalink)
EcoModding Smurfer
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Dime - '95 Chevy S10 LS ExtCab RWD
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G/A - '96 Pontiac Grand Am
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It appears you are lengthening the wheelbase overall, correct?

Another idea would be to make a fiberglass copy of your front end (fenders and hood). Wouldn't be too difficult, likely save a good amount of weight, and you could encapsulate the front wheel wells. And you could bubble out to start a taper, continuing on the door, and then to your tail. Like:


 / |       | \
 |W  Motor  W|
 |W         W|
 \ |       | /
  \| Seats |/
    \     /
     \   /
      \ /
(Not quite that extreme, but you get the idea)
Would the negative aspect of the extra frontal area outweigh the benefits of a more complete teardrop shape? And that Code drawing took way more time than a simple Paint/upload/link would have..


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