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Old 06-20-2008, 01:26 PM   #14 (permalink)
Bicycle Junky
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Originally Posted by RH77
I wonder if it's possible to do something with the hot water tank to have it go dormant at night, but heat the water in time to get up in mornings...?
You would have to see how things are hooked up to your water heater (IE: valves and what not). But the idea would be pretty simplistic. You make a servo controlled by a timer, set the timer to turn the servo one way say...1 hour before you plan to getup/shower (your shower would have to be planned and consistant) and when the temperature hits the right level in the tank, it will shut off the gas/electric/etc. and the timer will start over again...the only tricky bit would be linking the tanks temp control to the timer, the timer by itself wouldn't be too hard.
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