I hate it when people are behind me because then i can't drive as well. I do like when they get stuck behind me at a light, because then they have to accelerate very slowly, my engine can't accelerate fast even if i wanted to. They should slow down (it kinda sounds like my brother; "i accelerate fast so i can keep my car safe", when asked why he slams on the gas so he can get up to 50 mph and immediately slam on brakes, also why he is going 50 mph on twisty back roads. One perk, driving is faster with him, but i'd rather have the gas savings.
I don't do those insane turns, also i don't pulse and glide insanely, i use it to get me down hills and flats, not changing speed by 30 mph.
"They recommend coasting instead of braking when coming to a traffic light"
makes it sound like we coast through the light or brake at the last second, but it is opposite, i brake far away so that i have momentum to make it through the light without stopping and then starting.
I don't do anything dangerous or stupid, also i have tailgaters because then it is harder on hills, my truck can't make it up big hills anyways without slowing down substantially. I think the people that brake on hills are way more dangerous.
Last edited by greenitup; 06-20-2008 at 12:59 PM..