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Old 04-19-2013, 03:35 AM   #3 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Some engines tend to be more tolerant to SVO and WVO, such as the earlier Volkswagen IDIs, Mercedes-BenzOM616/617, Peugeot XUD9 and the Fiat TD70 (1.7L, 70hp turbocharged IDI with mechanical injection). A way to overcome the issues related to glycerin polymerization is related to the pre-heating. A good set of glowplugs or a grid-heater can help to deal with the oil even in cold start.

And older mechanically-injected engines are better, but it's not impossible to tune an electronically-controlled engine to work with some veg oil blends even with a single-tank setup. Eventually, even a tank heater could be fitted, I've already seen it in some Scania buses, and it worked even with regular Diesel fuel.
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