First off, I need to test the reversing of the netgain motor.
Present setup is + to S1, - to A1, and a jumper from A2 to S2
According to the manual, the way to reverse this is to put the jumper from A1 to S2, and apply - to A2 instead of A1.
To switch A1 and A2, both of these terminals must be wired to the HVJB. GREAT! More large wires. More terminal connections.
Forward has - to A1, S2 to A2. Reverse has - to A2, S2 to A1.
To implement this, Input 1 as - and output 1 as A1, input 2 as S2 and output 2 as A2. The Reversing starter has it's terminals jumpered to connect Input 1 to Output 2, Input 2 to Output 1 in the REVERSE configuration
To test this, wire the - through a terminal to A1 (used as a contact). Add a cable from A2 to the HVJB and S2 to the HVJB and connect them together at a terminal. This is 2 new cables from the HVJB to the motor. To perform this, clean up the remaining 'long' recycled cable and add a lug to the last remaining 'long' recycled cable portion. Then clean it up. Well, I got the wires added, but I'm tired of putting lugs onto plywood. I wired it together with a bolt.
I shot some video (see youtube video - warning - long!
) of the jumper removed from A2 to S2. It is changed to 2 longer cables, one from A2 and one from S2.
Verify rotation on the motor. It works.
Then change the - terminal to connect to the A2 cable instead. Take a short video while this is changing. Explain some things.
Change the S2 terminal to connect to the A1 cable instead. Verify reverse rotation. Take another video. It ended up quite long. I should have edited more - I ran out of time.
So the motor reverses nicely. No nasty noises, no sparks. It looks pretty good!