Bob didn't give me anything. He didn't even announce any of the fuel economy results at the banquet even though he had a team feverishly adding up the points to determine which vehicle went around the track at exactly 45 mph and stopped in the pit for exactly five minutes three times.
That is a competition?
He comes from a Time/ Speed/ Distance rally background and unfortunately finds me and my motorcycle to be a bother. Even though I beat every other vehicle there on fuel economy by a wide margin. So there was no way he was going to announce that and make a big deal out of me. If I had known they weren't working on the fuel consumption data, I would have volunteered to divide it up myself. It takes a team of skilled workers 30 man hours to compute all the scores from the TSD rallys, it would have taken me 15 minutes to figure all of the fuel data.
I got 124 mpgUS on the track. Down 10 from last year due to the violent head wind on the back straight. The Alfred State competition Insight got 62 on the computer. All of the cars were way down. The guy with the Heinkel doesn't dare to drive it anymore because it is worth $100,000 to a collector. The DIY Tadpole diesel chickened out also.
The road course was really fun and even included a stretch of unpaved dirt. Great roads they chose. Lots of slamming on the brakes though as it was a challenging rally. Many of the competitors made wrong turns several times including the team I was following. I wonder how long it will be before the SCCA, which is the only way to get an event like this insured, acknowledges fuel economy and develops a formula for sanctioned competition that is free from the TSD complexity and man power issues. I think that if the Green Grand Prix organizers offered a choice to just use a map instead of the purposely tricky turn by turn TSD directions of the same roads, many of the competitors would rather do that.
I did 109 mpgUS over the road which may indicate a slight over fill after the track. I expected my track numbers to match the 134 I got last year. I would like to know my average speed on the track. I think most of us end up averaging a little faster than 45 mph.
The plug in hybrid modders are brainwashed. If you ask them how they did, they want to mention only the fuel used and claim a huge victory. 220 miles for the day on 1.2 gallons of gas. What about the $5.00 of electricity you just stole out of the wall twice without paying for it?
Aside from the wind, the weather was nice right up until the last car was refilled. The electrathons even got their race in. Then the skies open up as we had dinner, turning the grass parking lot into 4 inches of mud. One Insight got buried up to the axles and had to get drug out by the tractor. Very fun day. It will be interesting to see where the future of the event goes as more competitors, including the two Alfred State (they brought 5 cars) drivers that got lost, bring pressure to abandon the TSD format.