Welcome to EM! My spouse drives an xD and she typically gets ~32-34MPG, but it is capable of hitting 40+. Pump the tires up to the sidewall maximum (read the little label on the side wall of the tires), coast in neutral when you need to carry speed, downshift to slow down (this shuts off the fuel), and use the stock instant MPG gauge to see how you do with various techniques. You need to keep a record of fillups and you can adjust the distance on the odometer after you drive a measured distance. The stock FE gauge is probably not accurate, and the odo is probably underestimating the distance you drive, too.
I did an upper grill block on my spouse's xD and I don't think it made much of a difference. The xD has a Cd (coefficient of drag) of 0.32, I think, which is okay but not great. It is a boxy car and any big improvements of the aero drag will be difficult.