Originally Posted by dluck
IamIan's comment prompted me to calculate the benefit in another way. Based on charging the battery with a max of 840Wh everynight and using a DoE rating of 220-265wH per mile this would mean about a max of 3 miles of additional electrical range per day. Depending on your daily driving habits this could be a lot or could be a little. Is it worthwhile? Good question, both in terms of the financial investment, and time to plug it in everynight to get 3 additional miles without needing to burn gas from the tank. I think the answer is different for each owner.
3 miles over a long trip may take care of all of your acceleration events, which is where your fuel economy drops into the basement.
So I would argue charging the pack (safely) for whatever paticular chemestry and type is in there is likely of benefit.
The pack is MADE to charge and discharge, to say you can't charge a pack due to wear, that the car repeatedly charges and discharges everyday is false.
Incorrectly charging the pack or taking it outside the best life charge level is another matter altogether.
Trickle charging as done on a G1 insight with a failed pack is altogether different than how you would approach the matter on a new car with a good pack.