Sorry for the long delay on updates, I have been busier than normal. The idea involving coating the hangers in glue was unsuccessful, so what I did to remedy the sagging problem was went to Lowes and picked up two 3' long, 1/16" thick (maybe they were 1/8") steel rods and used them as the center support which runs all the way through the coroplast. The rod barely fits through the coroplast (it really helps to rub bar soap on the rods to get them through). It fixed the sagging and is MUCH stronger now, I used some the the bits of the rod, I had to cut off with a dremel as the counter weights on the back. I have also painted the grill block black and it is hardly noticeable. Some pics of the final product are attached.

Best Tank = 42.72 mpg (in the 94 Del Sol)
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Last edited by Shortie771; 04-08-2017 at 10:33 AM..