Originally Posted by nemo
Congratulations on the new record. Got any results to post from your rear fender skirt testing?
No! I tried to A-B-A test it two different times, but had similar things happen both times. Got a good baseline result from the "A" test, but then when I'd try it with the skirts on, the mpg would drop - RADICALLY!!!! Finally, I'd change the mode from "trip" - "current" to "gauge" - "instantaneous mpg", and was seeing unbelievable low numbers - like in the low 30s - after getting a baseline of 56 or whatever. One time, it was in the low 20s.
So I opened the hood & saw a wire had come loose at a connection. The wire went from the wiring harness to a bolt on the throttle body, so I guess that means it's a ground. I fixed it yesterday, but niether the car nor the ScanGauge seemed to work any differently with it off than on.
Oh, and the ScanGauge worked better than before, although it showed my tank average as 51.1, but the pump showed it as 54.2. I assume the low ScanGauge average was from the period of time I was getting those ridiculous low numbers. And, worried that I just wasn't filling it up enough, I REALLY topped it off good - to the point the gas was standing in the fill neck (after what seemed like half an hour clicking in 0.05 gallons at a time at the pump).
So I don't know what's wrong. Oh, in one of the tests, I took the fender skirts off, and the mileage continued to be terrible, so I don't thnk the skirts were what was doing it. So, I don't know what's up. ????