The G2 does not get that good consumption on really low speeds. I feel best speed is about 85 km/h (52 mph). I can get below 3 l/100 km on a constant speed doing that in the right conditions. At 60 km/h the revs get down to 1200 RPM and it seems to suffer slightly. Any slower and the revs still stay at 1100-1200 RPM, so from there the loss increases substantially unless it switches to EV mode. (but that... you know)
So, P&Ging does help me overcome the Insights inefficiency at the low revs&low load combination. I have to stress that I drive tha same route regularly, but never managed to improve the MID's FE by .1 on constant speed, let alone the .2 I managed this afternoon. So I was pretty convinced about P&G.
P&G at highway speeds is useless in the G2. It does fairly well on constant load. I may enjoy a short glide on the down slope from a bridge (so many canals here, the highway jumps up and down every 2 miles or so)
I do use the hybrid system to 'customize' my glides as to match up with traffic and such.
And I did a funny experiment. On the last stretch in the woonerf I tried to prevent EV by just giving it enough boot, until it jumped to EV mode regardless as it sensed the battery was full. That made for some economic driving as the FE while avoiding EV mode was still good, while if you first drain the battery the FE when the ICE finally kicks in is not.
2011 Honda Insight + HID, LEDs, tiny PV panel, extra brake pad return springs, neutral wheel alignment, 44/42 PSI (air), PHEV light (inop), tightened wheel nut.
lifetime FE over 0.2 Gigameter or 0.13 Megamile.
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For education go to people unlike yourself.