Repy to PaulBlez
Hi Paul, in answer to your question about the width of the vehicle at the rear, I’ll give you a brief insight into my design concept.
Starting with my seating position, which allows a far more reclined “feet forward” position than most alternatives. This due in principle to the “internal” nature of my monocoque as opposed to other modified motorcycle designs, which have to fit a rider’s body “around” or “on top of” a traditional engine and frame design. I therefore have a longer and lower structure to be enveloped by a smoother body design, than most conversions, which are unwilling to tackle the frame fabrication issue.
In the attached image below I have divided the area behind the bike into three sections.
Area A (above the beltline) in which I expect to be able to keep the airflow fully attached due to the low level of disturbance and the smooth boat-tail hump behind the drivers head.
Area B (the beltline) contains the storage area behind the drivers shoulders. My vehicle design was always intended to accommodate a small but practical storage area, in a compartment behind the driver, accessed from the rear, just like the trunk/hatch of a car. Unlike other motorcycle storage, the space is based around a briefcase or laptop computer, placed horizontally and thus requiring a wide and flat location. Fortunately the rear of this area is the perfect size for the statutory vehicle lighting and identity plate (using a European “letterbox” plate). So although drag from this area is inevitable, I do not have to compromise other areas to meet legal requirements. The storage capacity is quite large and could even cope with “four bags of groceries” provided laying flat was permissible.
Area C (below the beltline) in this area I expect a turbulent wake, although I will work to minimise the drag from this area. I expect the rapid change in cross-sectional area, from the seat-back to the rear wheel, to be too “quick” to keep flow attached. My one comfort, is that in comparision with most “feet first” designs, I have kept this area to a minimum.