Originally Posted by Diesel_Dave
I'm not sure how many miles you put on the truck, but a 40 mpg tank is 1,400 miles--so just driving a 40 mpg tank can take a month.
BTW, I have to ask a couple questions. Where do you live (climate wise) and what type of driving do you do with the truck? These things will determine what types of mods may be off-limits for you and also what types of numbers will be acheivable. I personally do mostly commuting with my truck (kind of a waste, I know). I see you have a Festiva as well--I assume that's your commuter vehicle.
Thanks for taking an interest Dave. I live in grand rapids, mi so guess we'd have fairly similar climates. My truck is for work/hauling/commuting. I do use the festiva when I don't want or need the utility of the truck. I guess I wasn't planning in taking it one mod at a time necessarily, but I can see the where there's some benefit and wisdom to a slower more well thought out and planned process. My next mod that I hope to finish tomorrow is my push button kill switch. I have the switch and wiring ready to go, so its just a matter of getting out there and doing it now