Originally Posted by gijoe985
Not very constructive...
Okay how about first trying to quantify the efficiency of the vehicles alternator.
Step 1: Drive the alternator connected to your HHO cell with an electric motor.
Step 2: Measure the power out ( Volts X Amps ) of the alternator.
Step 3: Measure the power used by the electric motor ( Volts X Amps ) to drive the the alternator.
Step 4: Divide the value obtained in step 2 by the value in step 3.
Step 5: Realize that your HHO cell is only 75% efficient.
Step 6: Realize that only 30% of the HHO energy gets converted to usable power in the engine.
Step 7: Realize you only get 1/7th (at best) the energy back of what you put in.