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Old 05-01-2013, 01:33 PM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Should I short the outputs of the fet drivers together

Hi Guy's
I am rebuilding my controller after all the fets blew up.

My controller has 10 MOSFET's of the type used in the cougar 144v dc controller but I am using 10 mosfet drivers connected to the fets via 2R2 ohm resistors, instead of one. So all the fets have their own driver.

What I was wondering is, would there be any advantage to commoning all the driver outputs together.
This would ensure all the fets switch together (the driver inputs are all shorted together) but would there be any drawbacks?
I can see if I get a gate short then all drivers will be dead but if one driver goes dead the others will continue to drive, unless of course the output goes short.

Or maybe with a switching speed of 15Khz slight differences in response times wont be important and the extra connections wont be worth the risk.

Any one got any idea's on the subject???

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