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Old 01-01-2008, 04:05 PM   #9 (permalink)
Coyote X
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Southen West Virginia
Posts: 654

Metro XFi - '93 Geo Metro XFi Convertible
90 day: 62.17 mpg (US)

DR650SE - '07 Suzuki DR650SE
90 day: 55.26 mpg (US)
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I have plenty of metros laying around you can use the 97 one is missing most of the body panels though.The blue 92 is a very solid car and would be a perfect one to chop though since it is 100% complete and runs good other than a cracked ring that would take a few hours to fix. Or I could help you lighten and chop your electric car. Once I get the convertible done I will have had some practice with totally gutting a metro so doing another would be much faster.

I have been stripping the convertible down and it has a lot more rust on it than you would think by looking at it so this might be a bit longer project than a couple of months to strip and rebuild. One of the front suspension mounts looks pretty rusty, it is still solid enough for now but it isn't going to last for 10 more years. I might get it ready to transplant my drivetrain this summer but there is no way it will be done quicker than that. Unless I get a really easy load this semester and only have to teach intro classes or something.

I will have some pics of the convertible totally stripped down if I can get the last few rusted bolts out today.

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