I am still using it. I agree it is hard to quantify with our imperfect, non-lab testing. I have been getting good FE in my Chevy, hard to say it is directly related to the TC-W3
Both cars are running great though, I am always careful never to put too much in, and had no stumbling or idling issues though.
The Chrysler 3.8 that normally needs a qt of oil after 2 -3 months went 4 months before I had to add this time. So perhaps a bit of better ring sealing is going on in this case.
I guess my conclusion is that it is much less expensive than dedicated occasional bottles of Lucas UCL or FI cleaner that I would have bought from time to time anyway, so I am going to stick with it.
i am not so sure I would do it on a new, Direct Injection car, for fear of carbon buildup on intake valves. But, no DI car is in my garage anyway.