Originally Posted by Cobb
Ive always wondered about this for Jessie James and the other motorcycle builders you see on tv. I can imagine a guy in his garage building something, then getting this problem trying to tag, insure and ride it.
If you have a frame welder certificate then you can sign off and say the frame you built is safe and can provide a point of origin for your motorcycle frame and use that to get a vin number and title that was built from scratch.
Lithium batteries? So much for seeing how you were going to balance 4 deep cycles on the frame.
After fitting 6 deep cycle batteries that each weighed 67 pounds in to the frame and ridding that down the road with 400 pounds of batteries I realized that I wanted to skip ahead of my self and ride it with just over 100 pounds of lithium batteries, I also got a great deal on some awesome lithium batteries that were part of a bulk buy.
At some point I still want to try it out with 4 12v deep cycle lead acid batteries, but I don't have any right now so it would be hard to test.