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Old 05-02-2013, 07:15 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Just curious, has anyone seen a simple square wave circuit to simply flip flop DC to the same identical voltage AC?

I would estimate that circuit coupled with an inductor of proper size and a cap would make your 48v DC into 48v AC (ish)

Then to top it off use a simple capacitor voltage doubler (or tripler circuit) that works on AC and the simple cap battery charger circuit, after losses it would still outshine an inverter = rectifier.

This type of circuit could easily pass up to 40 amps with properly sized components and likely cost less than an inverter of the same output.

As an added bonus it wouldn't care about voltage just amperage output.

Put in a voltage kill circuit and there you go,

PS this is what i used on an AC genset to run my EV while charging.
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