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Old 01-01-2008, 07:48 PM   #1 (permalink)
Dartmouth 2010
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Vegan Powa! - '91 Honda CRX DX
Team Honda
90 day: 66.52 mpg (US)
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DIY - Head Swap (Project KDA complete!)

For those of you who remember project KDA, which was sidelined because the engine I had sourced had a chipped intake valve, it is now complete! I replaced the valve about a year and a half ago but I pretty much just never got around to actually doing the swap.

First thing to note: Can anyone tell me how to use my damn timing gun so I can check the timing on the engine? It's not intuitive for me,

Okay, like the title suggests, I just completed a cylinder head swap on my 91 crx dx. I removed the stock head (~92 hp) and slapped on the head from a civic cx (~70 hp). There's really no good comparison of EPA values because of the different transmissions in the different cars, but it's safe to say that my car is pretty much a slightly bloated CRX HF at this point.

1. My speedo is broken, so I have no idea what kind of mileage I'm getting now. I can only roughly ballpark, but my best chance to ballpark will be the trip from home to school, which is 350 highway miles. I will use google maps and fill ups to see how I do.
2. The car is hella slow. It can get around of course, but there's no question that it's slower.

Okee, now on the the work...this will be an awful write up since I was preoccupied with the work and didn't take many good pictures, but it's not really that hard of a job.

1. Pick up a good shop manual, it will tell you pretty much everything you need to know to do it properly, including torque specs.
2. Take off your bling so you don't scratch up the car.

3. Examine the head you'll be swapping on. Mine was covered with cobwebs, cat hair, and dust. So clean it a bit. I used intake cleaner and an oil rag, then reoiled everything to keep it slick.

4. Check out the old gasket junk and then clean it off. I was very careful with a razorblade. Do not nick the surface!

5. Take a look at the before

More in the next post!

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