sendler - I was planning on getting a
Cycle Analyst at some point, for both my ebike commuter & the tad project... the toy budget is a touch strained at the moment though, I can't imagine why lol *innocent look*
Originally Posted by bobo333
i love this thing!
ive popped into this thread on a few occasions during the build but now that my daily commute is by 2smoke powered mountain bike i dream of bigger/better/faster/comfier things, and you seem to have all of them down pat!
Heres my beast, the tiny luggage tray on the back is fine for small weekly food trips but not much more so a trailer is on the cards, any pointers for building my trailer from your recent experiences?

Thanks bobo333 - Nice bike man, I started out w/one very similar & it served me well for years! I dunno if I'd call that rack "tiny" heh, it's bigger than I have on my ebike, the one I use for grocery runs... but I tend to put the foodstuffs in a duffel & sling it on my back, letting the rack support the weight. That way I can load down with
far more than the rack alone could hold & anything that doesn't fit can still get strapped down.
I wish I could help with the trailer, but from what I've seen it's a compromise - a trailer that isn't quite right or just making one yourself, particularly with the greater weights hauled & the speeds of a motorized bike. Don't get me wrong, there's some nice trailers out there... it's just none of them were quite what I had in mind, some of the better ones have utterly astronomical prices that are hard to justify w/such a simple unit.
The single-sided axle mount hitches are a touch dicey with our application, the axle & it's fasteners already under more strain than intended by the motorization. While they put up w/it, it's getting close to the edge as you've prolly discovered w/the shift kit. That freewheel bearing in the three piece pedal crank is right on the edge of what it can deal with if you've gotten the motor sorted (even if you've the 'Diamond' bearing) so when you get a trailer, take her easy w/it - I've gone through three on my shifter gas bike, but that's my "racing" bike so stuff happens lol
There's trailer designs with a two-point mount & yoke, far stronger & more stable than the single offset like this for example: Frugah Steel Bicycle Cargo Trailer
...but while that particular trailer has some horrible reviews, it might be something to consider for parts (to build your own) or to get & use, knowing that it's cheese, but cheese that can be modified & upgraded. Only catch is with that design it can only lean if it's left a single wheel & I needed a dual wheel trailer for the weight & stability *shrug* Just some thoughts
On the other hand, while I don't much like the thing I got I've enough trinkets I've picked up along the way to finagle something with this trailer - a small example is this lil setup I threw together just to jam out while setting up the tent;
& I've two of the solar panels so far & I figure two of those SLAs could be mounted under the trailer deck (lowering center of mass), I'd like to match the taddy's electric drive voltage just in case of an emergency & I've enough SLAs, but they're just too heavy & there's no way the little panels could hope to make a dent in the taddy's consumption - but for basic LED lighting & tunes while camping, recharging the unphone & the assorted AA, D & camera batteries (I've the 12v chargers for that) it's perfect, the tiny inverter is handy for things I haven't a 12v charger for but like all inverters it's hungry too lol
...and here's some shots of the tent itself if ya'll are wondering, it isn't as big as it looks in the pics ofc but it's tall enough to stand in & plenty big enough for an extended stay wherever the urge strikes, I've got the trailer in it too & while it's nice that it also fits, while testing the tent setup I realized it'd be better to fold in the hitch & bring it inside the main section as it also makes a perfect desk... maybe even a better desk then trailer heh;