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Old 05-09-2013, 11:55 AM   #25 (permalink)
Calibration Engineer
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Canada
Posts: 86

Subie - '00 Subaru Impreza STi JDM
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How do you convince a driver to drive, navigate then communicate? It's highly ingrained in a pilot and even those can get distracted when stuff starts going wrong. We have a different attitude about car safety and training. They keep making the system more idiot proof and evolution keeps making better idiots.

Mandatory re-testing and proper education could probably go a long way but let's face it, in North America a driving permit is generally regarded as a right and the bar is set low enough they might as well put them on crackerjack boxes.

While graduated licensing has brought some improvement, there is little thought to re-educating or maintaining those who already have a permit. As long as I paid the yearly fee I could go without driving for 30 years and still be legal to drive.


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