I hear that! Sadly, I think the adoption kiosk is closed. If it wasn't, the line up for it would start right behind me! Again, I apologize to OP if I derailed anything, but I think that I should start a new thread in a week or so. Once the weather clears up for the summer. I'll call it "Was that really a good idea?" and it will just be pics of stupidly expensive cars with New Driver stickers on them. It will scare the pants off of anyone that sees it! I don't think anyone will blame me for driving Silvia for the summer after that. I dig my eco cars, and I try to be a safe driver, but at the same time I have owned some cars with some push to them. So I know that power has to be respected. And some of the stuff I see being driven by 17 year olds on their cell phones... man I'd be chicken to drive that stuff! These clods have no business even being in the same area code as this hardware!