Expanding slightly, i'd like to see something that dynamically calculates pulse and glide MPG by showing how much fuel is being used to coast up to X speed, and how long the glide was... basically it tells you the MPG for the last P&G cycle, probably in a 'ticker tape' type fashion (like instead of a list of numbers or only the recent number, say it displays a range of 30-50mpg, and every P&G leaves a bar so you can see what you are averaging in real time, calculated total fuel usage per mile)
For that matter putting in "potential fuel stops" on a planned route - or at least on a linear "miles from here" where you can enter a few figures like the next 3 known fuel stops, because for instance prices can vary hugely when going through the mountains, can your remaining fuel get you to the base of the mountain on the other side where it's cheaper than that one single only gas station that's 50 cents higher at the top?
For that matter a calculator, to compare filling up a half full tank at price one, vs waiting longer and filling it up later at price two, or whether the estimated time to pull off and fill up is worth it at all for how much it brings down your average trip speed. Should I drive 60mph and stop twice, getting cheaper gas just before the mountain, or 55mph and stop once to arrive at the same time? Should I drive 70mph to get to the gas station that closes at 10pm to get it cheaper, or 55mph to pay more for the all night station? Should I go 12 miles out of the way to fill up at 12 cents less per gallon that I just heard on the CB? These kind of questions are all suited well to a computer, not a tired driver focusing on driving.
Originally Posted by BHarvey
I'd like one like the current Eco UG with a short trip and tank trip average density altitude!
Whats this mean? I didn't understand a word you just said. : P